Legal Mentions



Noëlie Ceyral Entrepreneur Individuel
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel : (+33) 06 42 91 61 21
Postal address : Appartement 54, 77 Rue Bertrand De Goth, 33 800 Bordeaux, France

Siret number: 537 626 632 00021


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Intellectual property rights and Copyrights

All texts, images and paintings appearing on this website are the exclusive property of Noëlie Ceyral. 

The contents of this site is protected by French and international copyright laws and/ or other proprietary rights and laws. All artworks and texts present on this website cannot be reproduced, modified, used or published without prior written permission from Noëlie Ceyral.

By purchasing an original painting, or a fine art print, created by Noëlie Ceyral, you do not own the copyright to this artwork. Noëlie Ceyral may continue to sell prints of any of her artworks, sold or unsold, at her own discretion. You must always request permission before using an image of a painting created by Noëlie Ceyral for any kind of use whether commercial or not.

The reproduction of all or part of this website on any electronic support is totally forbidden. 

Personal data protection

According to article 34 of French law n° 78-17 from 6th January 1978 relative to dataprocessing, files and freedoms, any user who has deposited on this site any information about him or herself that are directly or indirectly nominatives has the right to ask the communication of these personal informations to the administrator of the site or to ask to rectify or delete them by contacting Noëlie on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

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